Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 1

Breakfast (250 cal):
Cup of coffee with Coffeemate French Vanilla Creamer
Granola Bar
Braeburn Apple

Lunch (approx. 810 cal):
Korean Quesadilla
Snapple Peach Tea

Snack (240 cal):
Pearson's Nut Roll

Dinner (340 cal):
Cinnamon and spice oatmeal

Total: 1,640 calories

Comments: Yikes. I guessed on the Korean Quesadilla, but considering it is a tortilla, cheddar, rice, and Korean beef with kimchi, I figured it was quite a bit of calories. I maybe even underestimated. 1700 calories is unacceptable. I can only eat those quesadillas on very rare occasions. I need to have veggies and dip/dressing for lunch when I'm on campus. No they don't taste as good, but it would make a huge difference. I haven't eaten dinner yet, it's 4:05. Nor have I had my snack, but I'm grabbing those on my way to my 5pm class. And that's what I'm going to have for dinner.

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